Welcome to the New (and Barely Improved) GeoffandJen.com! We'll be using the site to talk about our life. Geoff will be using it to rant a little bit. And that will be that. First things first, our wedding happened! We got married on September 2, 2006 at the Pearl River Hilton. It kicked ass in ways that most things just don't. Check out this video recap from our videographer:
I've made some more updates. I added a page for Important Phone numbers. You can find it here.
Also, I've added a number for a taxi service, based in Pearl River, to the Shuttle page, which is now the Shuttle/Taxi page. You can find that page here.
I've added another hotel option to the Hotel page. The Woodcliff Lake Hilton has set aside a block of rooms for us on Friday and Saturday night at the discounted rate of $115.
Also included on this page is a link for directions to the Woodcliff Lake Hilton, as well as directions from there to the Pearl River Hilton. It's about 6 miles/10 minutes.
There's been an overwhelming response to the rooms that we set aside at the Pearl River Hilton. They've told us that they can open up some more rooms for us, but not until August 10th.
In the interim, we're setting up an amenable rate with other area hotels to get a block of rooms secured there to accommodate the overflow from the Hilton. When we have this information, we'll pass it along.
Thanks to the advice of a very bright man named Rich, I've added a quick reference guide to the wedding date and location in the upper right hand corner of the homepage. The location is also hyperlinked to the directions page. Excellent suggestion.
Additionally, I've made some small adjustments to make the site more aesthetically pleasing. Most importantly, I've changed the font from Georgia to Verdana. It's a sleeker font and has no serifs, which allows things to slip off.
It's been sparse around here lately, but I just wanted to check in to let everyone know that invitations are in the mail and should hit your respective mailboxes within the next week.
There will be more updates to come in the next day or so regarding shuttle information from the airports to the hotel and other possible public transportation routes.